IT Infrastructure Capstone

Bow Valley College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Ken McKinnon
  • January 12, 2023
    Experience start
  • February 4, 2023
    First check in
  • February 25, 2023
    Second check in
  • March 18, 2023
    Third check in
  • April 8, 2023
    Experience end
  • Diploma; 2nd year
  • 42 learners; teams of 5
  • 40 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1/1 project matches
  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Startup, Non profit, Large enterprise, Small to medium enterprise
  • Any industries
Information technology Hardware Networking Operations Project management
networking & information systems windows server operations active directory administration information technology and business analysis information technology security
Project timeline
  • January 12, 2023
    Experience start
  • February 4, 2023
    First check in
  • February 25, 2023
    Second check in
  • March 18, 2023
    Third check in
  • April 8, 2023
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

Is your organization looking for a junior Information Technology Systems technician?

Students in this project course focus on gaining experience in some aspect of networking, Windows administration, helpdesk support, IT project participation, and more.

Learners will gain practical experience by assisting you in planning, developing, administration, and customer support.

These students may be available for internship after the project is complete.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

The learners will follow a structured project guideline as mentioned in the milestones section and will deliver the final project code with a final written report. Learners are also expected to present their work based on their final report.

Project Examples

These student are capable any of the following roles:

  • Junior IT Tech
  • Junior Service Desk Analyst
  • Help Desk Analyst
  • Junior IT Support Analyst
  • IT Support Analyst
  • Desktop Support
  • Technical Support
  • Customer Support Representative
  • PC Technical Support
  • Network Administrations
  • Internet Resource Management
  • Information Systems Project Manager
  • Business and Systems Analyst
  • Computer Service Technician
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Information Systems Analyst

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions.

Please provide your current IT state or setup.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

Please have some details regarding workload and time frames.