Spriggli - Marketing & Media - Venture for Canada Intrapreneurship Project

Project scope
Communications Marketing strategy MediaSkills
marketing strategies software release life cycle planning intrapreneurship training documentation organic growth marketing social media strategy collaborative software community resiliencePROJECT DESCRIPTION:
Spriggli helps to build meaningful community engagement through our online booking system connecting event organizers, venues, and service providers in the community. Spriggli also allows for guests to RSVP or for tickets to be sold.
The entire system allows for each user to define their terms, conditions, cancellations policies, list their availability, and accept bookings with guaranteed payment for the services to be provided, as Spriggli collects payment up front on behalf of the parties – acting as the agent of trust between them.
Listing with and using Spriggli is free, we collect a 5% service fee from users only when a fee-for-service booking is made. So that means all free and volunteer services, events and venues listings can use the listing and booking system for free.
Launching this August after three years of conceptual and online development, Spriggli will start by building a small and robust base of users, then focus on an organic growth strategy that will keep meaningful connections, community resilience and growth at its heart.
up to 5 students
70 hours
In this internship, I am looking for a flexible team to set Spriggli up with design ideas (including UIX), implementation, user training documentation and marketing strategies as we get the beta version fully tested and proven operational. These work areas are flexible and will be discussed and tailored in support of student strengths and capabilities.
1. Marketing– developing a marketing strategy to grow Spriggli from a core group of users to a solid base of early adopters.
2. Media– video content – editing and production. There will be at least one video project, if and as the team has the capability. Opportunity for more based on the teams. Creation of social media strategy and content.
3. Design ideas – based on the teams’ abilities, this will be around Spriggli design/layout and UIX planning for future reference and planning purposes and Spriggli progresses. This section will include documenting their experiences on boarding with Spriggli, errors, confusions, strong points, design, layout, UIX ideas they have had. This can be based on their own personal experience and ideas from use of the internet and beyond and can grow to expand based on their experience/training.
Timelines and specific deliverables will be determined by the team within the scope of the project areas outlined above. Each task area will be defined in more detail with the team and coached for successful interactions, meeting processes, action logs, and accountability.
Each of these areas will require the students unique approaches and insights, with a project lead/co lead to be assigned to each task area based on team capabilities and experience. Each team member will have a chance to lead a project area.
Mentorship will be provided along the way with both group learning opportunities and one on one feedback. Students will use a variety of collaborative tools to help them with team time, and in support of individual and group work
Trish Moroto - Founder
I have managed project teams before, and have had good business coaching. I used to teach university level interpersonal communication and negotiation skills (and other things). I am currently a senior firefighter (paid on call) and have lots of experience training with and of small teams.
I am so excited to have a team I can work with, count on, and draw from. This is my first team with Spriggli, and I will gain just as much from the participation and involvement of the students, as I hope they will from my Intraprenuership.
Specifically I will bring and coach on tangible tools, tips, and techniques for managing project work, foster interpersonal communication, and allow within the scope of the project for good creativity and application of all your life's experiences to help achieve our project goals.
We will work together as a group to set specific goals and timelines, I will work on coaching each of you for success on the project and beyond as we get to know each other.
About the company
Spriggli is an online booking service connecting events, venues, service providers and attendees. Intended to help connect community resources in mutually beneficial ways to promote and build community resiliency through great experiences. Set up to support local, scaled for global growth. A lean startup, we have believed in community, working with the resources that you can find in a mutually agreeable manner and some good hard work mean a lot to the success of anyone's experience. I want to connect communities, and connect to the world, because its what I needed help with, and plan to use myself in my own community and future growth. Can't wait to share the chance to experience everything with all of you.