Creating graphic design assets and develop digital marketing campaign

darrin surminsky ltd
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Darrin Surminsky
Academic experience
80 hours per learner
Intermediate level

Project scope

Graphic design Digital marketing Lead generation Marketing strategy Social media marketing
infographics social media advertising brand messaging graphic design blogs marketing materials marketing planning digital marketing branding illustration

We're looking for a student to help us with the creation of new graphic design assets and to develop marketign campaign, review digital channels, develop user persona, and develop relevant blog's socioal media ideas.

This will include:

  • work with our existing brand guide and color scheme
  • Creating graphic design assets for our marketing materials and websites, create custom design images to utilize humor and portray brand messaging and theme. design assets would be social media ads, website assets, infographics and illustrations.
  • understand our target client and develop persona's so to understand the psychology that triggers purchase

  • Creating color themes, palettes and branding guides that align with our existing branding
  • Creating graphic design assets for our marketing materials and websites
  • be able to turn our ideas for ads into graphic images and text
  • review digital channels for sutiability with marketing plan and client targets
  • develop user persona's
  • outline draft blogs, social media posts

Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the project. Employer will work with students to explain vision, marketing philosophy, ideas for deliverables. Feedback and results tracked for each project.

About the company

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Legal, Education, Banking & finance

We help people get better with money so they make good financial choices and be Money-Smart so they can live their best life. We educate and coach people on the 4 pillars of personal finance: spending, borrowing, investing, and risk management. For those that are dealing with debt problems we provide solutions such as consumer proposals and bankruptcy services.