AI Incident Dashboard Visualization

PatchIT Solutions Inc
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Data modelling Software development Machine learning Artificial intelligence
algorithms artificial intelligence research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Project Objective:

The main objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive visualization dashboard for the AI incident database, aiming to provide stakeholders with actionable insights into AI-related incidents, trends, and patterns. Learners will create an interactive platform that enhances their understanding of the AI threat landscape, enabling better decision-making and proactive measures for AI system security.

Problem Description and Expected Outcome:

Learners will tackle the challenge of transforming raw AI incident data into meaningful visual representations. By the end of the project, they are expected to achieve:

  • A fully functional dashboard that displays trends, patterns, and insights derived from the AI incident database.
  • Enhanced understanding of AI-related incidents, including attack vectors, threat types, and affected sectors.
  • Ability to navigate and interact with the dashboard to filter, drill-down, and explore detailed incident information.
  • Practical experience in data visualization techniques and tools, enhancing their skills in conveying complex data effectively.
  • Deliverables include documentation that outlines methodologies, design decisions, and recommendations for further enhancements.

Overall, the project aims to empower learners with the skills to analyze and present AI incident data visually, contributing to informed decision-making and proactive management of AI-related risks.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Project Activities:

  • Data Understanding and Extraction (12 hours):
  • Explore the AI incident database structure and APIs for data extraction.
  • Clean and preprocess data as needed for visualization.
  • Dashboard Design (16 hours):
  • Design the layout and components of the dashboard based on user requirements and the existing AI incident dashboard for reference.
  • Select appropriate visualization tools and libraries (e.g., Plotly, Dash, Tableau) for creating interactive visualizations.
  • Frontend Development (24 hours):
  • Implement frontend components of the dashboard using chosen visualization tools.
  • Ensure interactive features such as filtering, drill-down, and real-time updates are incorporated.
  • Backend Integration (12 hours):
  • Set up backend services if required for data storage or API integrations.
  • Ensure seamless connectivity between the dashboard frontend and data sources.
  • Testing and Debugging (8 hours):
  • Test the dashboard for functionality, performance, and responsiveness.
  • Address any bugs or issues identified during testing.
  • Documentation and Deployment (8 hours):
  • Document the dashboard functionalities, data sources, and deployment steps.
  • Deploy the dashboard to a suitable hosting platform for accessibility.

Team Collaboration

  • Project Manager (Team Lead): Coordinates tasks, manages timelines, and communicates with stakeholders.
  • Data Engineers/Analysts: Responsible for data extraction, cleaning, and ensuring data quality.
  • Frontend Developers: Design and implement the dashboard interface and interactive visualizations.
  • Backend Developers: Handle backend infrastructure and data connectivity as needed.
  • QA/Testers: Ensure the dashboard meets requirements and is free from bugs before deployment.

Tools and Technologies

  • Visualization Tools: Choose based on team skills and project requirements (e.g., Plotly, Dash, Tableau, PowerBI).
  • Backend Technologies: Depending on needs, could involve databases (PostGres) or server-side scripting (Python, Typescript).
  • Version Control: Use Git/GitHub for code management and collaboration among team members.


  • Data Security: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations when handling sensitive information.
  • Scalability: Design the dashboard to handle future data growth and increasing user interactions.
  • User Feedback: Incorporate mechanisms for user feedback to iterate and improve the dashboard post-deployment.

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

Welcome to PatchIT Solutions - A Cybersecurity Software Development Startup! Part of Microsoft for Startups and John F. Wood Centre, University of Guelph

Dream IT. Define IT. PatchIT. At PatchIT Solutions, we don't just offer pre-made tools; we craft applications tailored to your unique specifications. Whether you envision an innovative tool or a specialized application, we're here to bring it to life. Entrust us with your dream, define your requirements, and let PatchIT Solutions make it a digital reality. Ready to turn your ideas into impactful solutions? Contact us today, and let's begin the journey together. Check out our flagship product, PatchLink AI, which is revolutionizing vulnerability management.