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Human Resources Management - Winter 2024 (closing soon)
BUSI 2058
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your HR student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. The overall aim of this program is to familiarize course participants with the many functions of HR management. Though students will cover the basics of HR throughout the term, the project would ideally focus on the principles and techniques used in the attraction, selection, retention, and/or evaluation of employees.
Software Construction and Evolution Winter 2024
Would you like to understand better how to manage your software from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the construction, evolution, and maintenance of software systems, including machine learning systems and programs. Topics include the construction of software components identified and described in design documents; code implementation and reuse; software testing and Software Quality Assurance; methods and techniques to allow a software system to evolve and survive. Projects that students can work on: Software engineering and computer programming projects.
Brand Management
-This course at Lakehead University (Brand Management 4114) is an upper-level undergraduate course for business students. -Students will develop a branding strategy report that provides recommendations for : 1) Identifying and developing a brand plan: Positioning the brand to maximize competitive advantage Fostering brand resonance to create customer loyalty and customer relationships Fleshing out a brand value chain detailing how brand equity can be built. 2) Designing and implementing a brand marketing program: Recommending improvements and optimization of brand elements Integrating the brand into marketing activities Leveraging secondary brand associations 3) Measuring and interpreting brand performance: Building an actionable plan for measuring brand performance and understanding the results 4) Growing and sustaining brand equity: Defining brand architecture and brand portfolio Developing a set of strategies for growing brand equity over time
Social Justice Studies Consulting - Fall 2023
SJS 5601
Do you need help with social and economic policy analysis? Volunteer or advocate mobilization? Diversity and inclusion work within your organization? A social innovation, enterprise, or entrepreneurship project? One or more graduate students enrolled with in the Social Justice Studies Practicum option at Lakehead University may be able to support your work over the course of a full school year.
Social Justice Studies Consulting
SJS 5601
Do you need help with social and economic policy analysis? Volunteer or advocate mobilization? Diversity and inclusion work within your organization? A social innovation, enterprise, or entrepreneurship project? One or more graduate students enrolled with in the Social Justice Studies Practicum option at Lakehead University may be able to support your work over the course of a full school year.
Social Justice Studies Practicum
Graduate students in this program are capable of doing research, developing programs, and designing trainings.
Software Construction and Evolution Winter 2023
Would you like to understand better how to manage your software from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the construction, evolution, and maintenance of software systems, including machine learning systems and programs. Topics include the construction of software components identified and described in design documents; code implementation and reuse; software testing and Software Quality Assurance; methods and techniques to allow a software system to evolve and survive. Projects that students can work on: Software engineering and computer programming projects.
Software Safety and Security
Students will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis. Project activities that students can complete may include, but are not limited to: Demonstrated ability to analyze software risks, safety hazards, security attacks and potential exposure. Demonstrated ability in considering privacy, security and/or safety issues in the design of software systems. Demonstrated ability in the use of software and network security tools and techniques. Graduate can identify the legal and regulatory requirements relevant to an engineering activity Graduate can differentiate between ethics, morals, values and law, and apply ethical reasoning to professional dilemmas, including Professional Codes of Ethics.
Compiler and Algorithm Design
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program focus on major concepts of compiler and algorithm design. Topics include: regular expressions, automata theory, syntactical analyzers, context free grammars and parsers, algorithms complexity, asymptotic analysis, summations, recurrences, intractability and NP-hard problems, sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, dynamic programming and greedy algorithms.
Business Administration - Part-time Work-Integrated Learning Field Placement Course (Fall 2022)
BUSI 3091
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at Lakehead WIL at LU’s core goal is to ensure that our business students are “work-place ready” upon graduation. Powered by RBC Future Launch, we offer a suite of experiential learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, businesses and the communities we serve. WIL at LU's top business students are available for Part-time Field Placements Student Prerequisites: Successful completion of second-year of the Honours Bachelor of Commerce or Business Administration program and have declared a major. Must be a full-time student in good academic standing in the Faculty of Business Administration or a full-time student in another faculty enrolled in a Faculty of Business Administration certificate program.
Business Interns: Work-Integrated Learning at Lakehead (Fall 2022, Paid)
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at Lakehead’s core goal is to ensure that our business students are “work-place ready” upon graduation. Powered by RBC Future Launch, we offer a suite of experiential learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, businesses and the communities we serve. WIL at Lakehead's top business students are available to work virtually on paid projects with partner organizations and paid full-time or part-time internships. Students are available to work in all sectors and are carefully selected to ensure that organizations get our very best. WIL at Lakehead has a rolling recruitment intake for part-time and full-time internships or short term projects for upper year Faculty of Business Administration Students Wage subsidy funding may be available to Canadian employers of between 50 - 70 % of wages (maximum $5000 - $7000) You can get pre-approved for funding before hiring. https://www.wil-ait.digital/en/
Web Engineering
Students understand the special characteristics of Web-based systems and applications (WebApps) and the reasons that they must be engineered (rather than just built) to achieve high quality apps Students understand how to apply an agile, incremental process for the creation of Web applications. Students understand how to develop a meaningful plan for the creation of a large Web applications. Students understand how to gather requirements for all stakeholders who have an interest in the Web applications. Students are able to develop analysis models that establish a foundation for app design. Students understand important design goals, the key elements of Web application design, and how to model each element. Students understand how to construct and test a Web application.
Business Communications II
BUSI 2351
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the month of March, 2022, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this course will further develop their writing skills in specific contexts for specific audience needs, interests and abilities. The course emphasizes an awareness of audience, considering purpose, culture (including Indigenous culture) and abilities, and develops suitable skills and techniques in the processes of drafting, revising, editing, and documenting sources in a business context through memos, letters, email, and research reports. The course will also require students to develop a working knowledge of relevant word processing applications.
Climate Change Education
ED 5712
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your virtual interns, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Climate Change Education is a special topics course. It explores climate change as a defining issue for educators, students and citizens. The course focuses on developing an informed understanding of climate change science, policy, some of the difficulties of communicating climate change, along with exploring how schools and teachers can effectively engage with climate change as an urgent, unpredictable, wicked environmental, economic, political, and social justice issue.
Summer 2022 Co-op Program - Engineering (Undergraduate and Graduate)
This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022 for students in our Faculty of Engineering programs (Graduate and Undergraduate options). If you are looking for a different start timeline/program, please look at our other options on our Riipen portal. OVERVIEW Available Students: If this posting is still open, students are available. Duration: This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022. Students can be employed for work terms of 4, 8, 12, or 16 months (depending on the program). Hours: 35 - 40/ week or minimum total of 420 hours (PLEASE CONFIRM) Salary: Average hourly wage is $15/hour (minimum wage). Employers fund salaries for student work placements. Wage subsidy funding is available to Canadian employers through the Canada Student Work Placement Program up to 75% to a maximum of $7500. You can get pre-approved for funding before hiring: https://magnet-swpp.smapply.ca/
Summer 2022 Co-op Program - Environmental Sustainability/Natural Resources Management (Undergraduate)
This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022 for students in our Environmental Sustainability, Forestry, and Environmental Management programs (Undergraduate). If you are looking for a different start timeline/program, please look at our other options on our Riipen portal. OVERVIEW Available Students: If this posting is still open, students are available. Duration: This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022. Students can be employed for work terms of 4, 8, 12, or 16 months (depending on the program). Hours: 35 - 40/ week or minimum total of 420 hours (PLEASE CONFIRM) Salary: Minimum wage Employers fund salaries for student work placements. Wage subsidy funding is available to Canadian employers through the Canada Student Work Placement Program up to 75% to a maximum of $7500. You can get pre-approved for funding before hiring: https://magnet-swpp.smapply.ca/
Summer 2022 Co-op Program - Kinesiology (Undergraduate)
This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022 for students in our Kinesiology programs (Undergraduate). If you are looking for a different start timeline/program, please look at our other options on our Riipen portal. OVERVIEW Current Available Program: Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology Available Students: If this posting is still open, students are available. Duration: This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022. Students can be employed for work terms of 4, 8, 12, or 16 months (depending on the program). Hours: 35 - 40/ week or minimum total of 420 hours (PLEASE CONFIRM) Salary: Minimum wage. Employers fund salaries for student work placements. Wage subsidy funding is available to Canadian employers through the Canada Student Work Placement Program up to 75% to a maximum of $7500. You can get pre-approved for funding before hiring: https://magnet-swpp.smapply.ca/
Summer 2022 Co-op Program - Computer Sciences (Undergraduate and Graduate)
This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022 for students in our Computer Science programs (Graduate and Undergraduate options). If you are looking for a different start timeline/program, please look at our other options on our Riipen portal. OVERVIEW Current Available Program: Honours Bachelor of Science + Masters of Science Available Students: If this posting is still open, students are available. Duration: This posting is for work terms starting between April 2022 - August 2022. Students can be employed for work terms of 4, 8, 12, or 16 months (depending on the program). Hours: 35 - 40/ week or minimum total of 420 hours (PLEASE CONFIRM) Salary: Minimum wage. Employers fund salaries for student work placements. Wage subsidy funding is available to Canadian employers through the Canada Student Work Placement Program up to 75% to a maximum of $7500. You can get pre-approved for funding before hiring: https://magnet-swpp.smapply.ca/
Land Stewardship
OUTD 3170
Students from Lakehead University are studying to gain an even broader comprehension of protected areas, through an understanding of stewardship on non-government owned land. We explore the system of land trust; standard tools and practices of stewardship; Indigenous ways of stewarding the land; of the benefits and disadvantages of private stewardship in protecting ecological integrity; and more with the goal of eventually designing and/or evaluating a land stewardship plan. This program has offered our students the opportunity to learn about the ecological, cultural, and traditional requirements land use practices on non-government lands. As part of Lakehead's School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, students will examine the role of private stewardship in the provision of sustainable outdoor recreation activities and the protection of ecological integrity, as achieved using voluntary land conservancy options.
Managing visitor impacts in natural areas
OUTD 3811
Does your organization manage natural areas? Are you experiencing challenges with visitor numbers and/or visitor behaviour at these sites? Our students can research potential solutions to help safeguard these important places and manage visitation so that the areas can be enjoyed without being destroyed.
Software Construction and Evolution W22
Would you like to understand better how to manage your software from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the construction, evolution, and maintenance of software systems, including machine learning systems and programs. Topics include the construction of software components identified and described in design documents; code implementation and reuse; software testing and Software Quality Assurance; methods and techniques to allow a software system to evolve and survive. Projects that students can work on: Software engineering and computer programming projects.
Operations Management
Business 5016-WA/WB
Through this course, students from Lakehead University have gained a conceptual and practical understanding of the role of operations management played in decision-making processes. Students have covered a broad range of topics widely implemented in real world issues, including the discussion of concepts, theories, basic techniques and cases that will help them in working with your organization. Students will address a problem of your choosing, and perform an analysis to develop actionable recommendations that will improve efficiency, productivity and quality.
Software Engineering Degree Project
Would you like to understand better how to manage your software from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the construction, evolution, and maintenance of software systems, including AI and machine learning systems. Projects that students can work on: Software engineering and computer programming projects.
Forest Operations
NRMT 3211
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program will study the methods, systems and organizations employed in the harvesting of wood, and the planning of harvesting operations. The layout and planning of forest roads, as well as the secondary transportation of wood are also dealt with. Common practices from around the country and the world will be discussed but emphasis will be placed on harvesting in the Boreal and Great Lakes - St. Lawrence forests. The Occupational Health and Safety Act and legislation related to harvesting operations are reviewed. Laboratory assignments will form an integral part of the course and will give first-hand experience with operational planning of harvesting operations.
Software Engineering Design
Would you like to understand better how to manage your software from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the design and construction of software systems. In the "Software Engineering Design" course, students apply software engineering principles of requirements elicitation, specifications, design, implementation and testing to solve engineering problems. The course content focuses on object-oriented methodology and the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML) to specify, visualize, construct and document the artifacts of the software system. Topics include: concepts of object orientation; UML modeling and class diagrams; developing software requirements; client-server architecture; software design patterns; software implementation and testing; basic architectural patterns.
Data Management and Information Systems
Would you like to understand better how to manage your database project from conception to implementation? In this project, students working in teams will explore and analyze concepts, methods and techniques for supporting the design and implementation of relational database systems, including requirements analysis, data modeling, and SQL queries. The "Data Management and Information Systems" course provides the students with the basic foundations of data management and information systems. Topics include - data modeling; Entity-Relationship modeling; relational model; basic queries in SQL, transformation of ER models to SQL, database architectures, and database implementation issues.
Human Resources Management
BUSI 2058
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Lakehead University to be your HR student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. The overall aim of this program is to familiarize course participants with the many functions of HR management. Though students will cover the basics of HR throughout the term, the project would ideally focus on the principles and techniques used in the attraction, selection, retention, and/or evaluation of employees.
Project Management Consultancy
BUSI 5033
Is your organization preparing to launch a new product, service, campaign, or internal initiative? Could this new undertaking benefit from more thorough planning? In this assignment, student consultants will develop a comprehensive project management plan for a project of your choosing that you can use to execute the project successfully.
Training and Development
BUSI 4018
WIL at LU’s core goal is to ensure that our business students are “work-place ready” upon graduation. Powered by RBC Future Launch, we offer a suite of experiential learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, businesses and the communities we serve. WIL at LU's top business students are available to work virtually on paid projects with partner organizations and paid full-time or part-time internships. Students are available to work in all sectors and are carefully selected to ensure that organizations get our very best. Projects can be submitted throughout the year,
Business Administration - Part-time Work-Integrated Learning Field Placement Course
BUSI 3091
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at Lakehead WIL at LU’s core goal is to ensure that our business students are “work-place ready” upon graduation. Powered by RBC Future Launch, we offer a suite of experiential learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, businesses and the communities we serve. WIL at LU's top business students are available for Part-time Field Placements Student Prerequisites: Successful completion of second-year of the Honours Bachelor of Commerce or Business Administration program and have declared a major. Must be a full-time student in good academic standing in the Faculty of Business Administration or a full-time student in another faculty enrolled in a Faculty of Business Administration certificate program.