Stella Drinkwater


Audio editing 1 Audio engineering 1 Audio post-production 1 Audio recording 1 Audio signal processing 1 Network routing 1 Organization 1 Signal processing 1 Software development 1 Studio recording 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Quadratic Sound
Quadratic Sound
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Music Studio Setup

The primary goal of this project is to facilitate the establishment of a new recording space in Victoria, BC, by employing a university student with a strong background in audio engineering. This initiative will encompass the comprehensive setup of the studio, including the installation of advanced recording equipment and audio routing systems. The student will also be responsible for conducting a thorough inventory of all studio equipment, cables, and accessories, ensuring that the facility is fully equipped and organized for optimal recording efficiency. This project aims not only to enhance the recording capabilities of the space but also to provide valuable hands-on experience to the student, contributing to their educational and professional development in the field of audio technology.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 1
Paul Walde
Paul Walde
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Audio Recording Project

The main goal for the project is to generate a series of audio recordings in the studio using musical instruments as signal processors to alter original musical inputs for use in a sound and video installation. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including: - Understanding the basics of audio signal processing and recording in a recording studio. - Learning how to use studio equipment for recording and processing audio. - Experimenting with different signal processing and recording techniques to alter original audio files as per instructions. - generating a series of audio recordings though this process and managing and archiving these files.

Matches 1
Category Media + 1
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Multi-Energy Haptics Project

Project Description : We're looking for people at the intersection of music, coding, hardware and/or 3d printing/materials for some proof of concepts with a multi-energy haptic development kit. If you have experience with two or three of the above (individually or as a team) we'd love to hear from you. Think of this as an extended hackathon style project where you bring your expertise and experience of what you want to accomplish and we'll provide the hardware and support. Main Goal : We'll be using a hardware development kit that outputs vibration, thermal (Hot and cold) and light to the skin in customizable wearable forms. Each outputter also had sensors (temp, Accel, Gyro) that can be used for interaction and data collection. You can interact with code (C#, Python, Unity, GoDot) or through typical music/sound tools like DAWs, MIDI, OSC. There's also the possibility to tie in with our SDK and your own project. We're looking for great demonstrations of what is possible in a short time meaning that creativity and excitement to the project is key. There's the ability to tie into music, video, games, data reactive closed loop feedback devices, etc. We will provide one kit for the team to use. More information on the kits can be found here -

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 3

Work experience

VR Audio Research Assitant
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
January 2024 - Current

As a research assistant, I worked with Dolby Atmos to create spatial audio mixes of two professor's projects. The first was a VR film which I mixed and mastered the audio for, and the second is a virtual theatre rehearsal space which I am currently developing the audio backend for in Unity.

Personal projects

Synthux Synthesizer Design Hackathon
February 2024 - February 2024

Hackathon where I helped build a synthesizer version of a singing bowl with people from my program! We have been doping this every year in February for the last 3 years, you can find 2024 videos on our channel as well.

Shark Bite Spite
September 2022 - April 2025

This is my band. I have produced and recorded 2 albums for us, the first was my solo project and the second was after I brought in a drummer, keyboardist, and bassist. I developed a lot of my audio editing skills through this project.