Credence Holmes
Credence Holmes
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I am CR Holmes.
Imaginative, Insightful, Music Industry Business Creator Empowering Artists to get 1000 true fans.
I have a varied history including with 13 years of military service and situations like volunteering at 9-11 for a week, and in WuHan China during the COVID crisis for 3 months , (CTV - W5 "Inside WuHan" a deep background in both the Computer and Music industries.

Videography Product or service launch Artificial intelligence Databases Media


Latest feedback

Anastasia Zaika
March 29, 2024
Project feedback
Working under CR’s leadership on this project has been an exceptionally rewarding experience. From day one, CR guided the team with both vision and understanding, providing an environment where each member felt valued and heard. What stood out the most was the incredible room for creativity that I were given; it was truly empowering to explore innovative solutions and bring our ideas to the forefront. Joining this company and working with such a supportive and visionary leader has been amazing. The opportunities for growth, learning, and creative contribution exceeded my expectations, that made this journey an enriching experience both professionally and personally.
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc. - Website Development - Basic Front End Section 5
YourBeat Inc.
Douglas Ross He
March 9, 2024
Project feedback
Overall, it was an incredible experience. Working for Credence was a delight; he provided guidance and support with a clear understanding of the project's objectives.
ICT Ignite
ICT Ignite Plus - Web Development
ICT Ignite
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc. - Website Development - Basic Back End DB - Artists 04
YourBeat Inc.
Julian David Calderon
April 1, 2024
Project feedback
CR was a great leader, he was understanding, checked up on us and gave us the tools to be successful and learn proper skills that I can use for my future.
University of Saskatchewan Level UP
2023/2024 USask Level UP
University of Saskatchewan Level UP
YourBeat Inc.
Instagram - Social Media Brand Development
YourBeat Inc.

Recent projects

YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

YourBeat - Animated Logo Creation

Our company is brand new in the music industry and we are looking for an intro logo animated video to showcase our logo in an interesting wayWe would like to collaborate with students to create an animated video that completes this task This video will be displayed on our website and shared by email.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s target market, brand guidelines, and products and services.Developing a storyboard and animating scenes for the video.Selecting suitable background music.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Combining visual and auditory elements to create a finalized video.Recommending ideas for future marketing videos.

Matches 0
Category Media + 2
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

May2024 FRONT END Typescript, NEXT.JS, Tailwind CSS, web development

Our company connects fans to artists, artists to venues and all of them to vendors. We are building an entire music community and need this to be one of many parts of a whole page and community site. Part of the goal is to create an all encompassing site. This project is a section of the front end of that site We will be working with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. Our site basis will be Next.JS, Typescript, with Tailwind CSS, we also use React.JS, Prisma, and Next.AUTH. we have API Integrations, a 256bit blockchain based chat and python AI integration.This project will involve several different steps for students, including:Researching the current status of the development and understanding where the student and this project fits amist the development process.Completing ALL the onboarding reading and understanding the methods in place for progressing, and becoming a part of a team ALREADY in process Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages.Using provided tools and management systems to complete tasks and maintain documentation for ALL of their work, failures or successes. Building a section of the website, with our assistance in providing the content.Providing documentation for others to be able to update and maintain the website.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Matches 0
Category Website development + 2
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

May 2024 - Task Manager AI Section 1 - Website Development

Our company connects fans to artists, artists to venues and all of them to vendors. We are building an entire music community and need this to be one of many parts of a whole page and community site. Part of the goal is to create an all encompassing site. This project is one section of the AI pieces that we need for this site. We will be working with students to develop an AI section that can act like an artist manager and advertising manager for musical artists. This will involve several different steps for students, including:Researching different methods of scraping data for how to solve artists needsUnderstanding all the issues that new artists face as they begin their journey into the music industryHelp the artists learn several sections of what they need to know to become successfulImplement ways for artists to accomplish these tasks even while they have limited knowledge or experienceCreate an AI that is part teacher, part manager, part advertising expert. Conducting research to define the best, fastest, and least resource hungry way to accomplish these tasks we do NOT have 2 years to complete this task we have months.Integrate the Python AI section into the website being builtProviding training on, updating of, and maintaining the website.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Matches 2
Category UI design + 4
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

JUNE 2024 - Website UI / UX Design & Development

Our company is in the middle of developing an entire music platform. We are looking for a team to work on the designing of the website. We have a solid development team with some great experienced developers but they need the assistance of some website designers to connect with and ensure the project flows well. We are always on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users.This will involve: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.Identifying key areas of our current website development and what areas of focused might return the best results in the design outcome.Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students learn how to use Figma as this is the main tool we currently use in the project.Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendlyConducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support this

Matches 2
Category Branding & style guides + 2