Food Safety Plan
PROJECT SCOPE Number of positions available: One or more teams with one or more students We are creating several food safety plans for the GAP, GMP, and GHP. 1) Our equipment manufacturing. We produce the equipment and the consumables used for the Growing of microgreens, herbs, greens, and small vegetables. This is referred to as LGS Assembly Food Safety 2) The creation of the LGS Standard Food Safety Plan Template that will be modified for the Specific Farm. Much of what each farm does is consistently and the same way. What changes from Farm to Farm is the physical layout of the location, the number of employees, and similar details. We want the LGS Food Safety Plan Template to be updated for each specific Farm. This is the plan and documents to enable us to received certification. 3) An implementation of the LGS Standard Food Safety Plan Template for our Farm in Philadelphia. 4) An implementation of the LGS Standard Food Safety Plan Template for a Farm in South Carolina.