Kirstin Aquiline
Administrative Manager -
Data analysis Marketing strategy


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Recent projects

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada

Cronometer - Customer Support Materials Review

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Cronometer brings hip (read: nerdy) tech company vibes to a small mountain town. We’re a friendly bunch of outdoor enthusiasts creating a nutrition tracking software with the mission to empower people to make informed decisions for their health & wellness. We know that good ideas come from a variety of perspectives and everyone has something new to offer so we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. We are looking for students to assist our customer support team by reviewing our processes around general inquiries and customer complaints. Students will refresh our pre-written responses/email templates to match our company brand, values, and voice. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Review our email templates used to answer common questions from our users Update the email templates for consistency, and to match our company tone and voice, IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Research skills : Searching through our knowledge base, using Cronometer to determine exact steps to perform an action using our website and mobile app. Communication and Collaboration: Good copywriting skills will help in writing up clear helpful responses for our customers to understand. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: PDF document with updated templates/pre-written responses to common user questions

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada

Cronometer - Nutrition Data Entry Tool Assessment

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Cronometer brings hip (read: nerdy) tech company vibes to a small mountain town. We’re a friendly bunch of outdoor enthusiasts creating a nutrition tracking software with the mission to empower people to make informed decisions for their health & wellness. We know that good ideas come from a variety of perspectives and everyone has something new to offer so we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. We are looking for students to pilot test our new Nutrition data entry tool. We built an in-house tool to accept user-submitted photos of food products they are eating so we can efficiently enter then into our database. This allows user to accurately track their nutrition to reach their health goals. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES: Test our newly developed tool for entering user-submitted food products into our database. Provide feedback on the clarity of training materials and process, visual design and process improvements to increase accuracy and efficiency of entering new foods. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES: Communication and Collaboration: Share your experience using the tool at weekly meetings. Attention to Detail: Use your Sherlock Holmes skills to catch all relevant details in each product photo. Critical Thinking: Identify areas for improvement. This is a new tool, so everything is up for discussion here: training process, nutrition education, visual design, keyboard shortcuts, breaking tasks into smaller pieces, etc. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Report your accuracy and efficiency statistics at peak performance levels. Highlight improvements in data entry efficiency and/or accuracy and identify the cause (e.g. as a result of implementing suggested training/coaching changes, design tweaks or user interface improvements).

Matches 0
Category Operations + 3
Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada

Cronometer - Food and Nutrient Research Project

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Cronometer brings hip (read: nerdy) tech company vibes to a small mountain town. We’re a friendly bunch of outdoor enthusiasts creating a nutrition tracking software with the mission to empower people to make informed decisions for their health & wellness. We know that good ideas come from a variety of perspectives and everyone has something new to offer so we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. We love data and have the most comprehensive nutrition tracking app out there! We’re always striving to improve the nutrient data we have to offer. There are some gaps in our nutrient data that we need help filling in. This research project involves searching the literature to find more nutrient information for foods in Cronometer. We have sparse data from our primary data sources for the following nutrients: biotin, iodine, chromium, fluoride and molybdenum. We receive a lot of requests from our users to add more nutrients or more detail for nutrients we already track. One that is a popular request is more detailed data for vitamin K. There are two main forms of vitamin K: K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Cronometer currently reports data for vitamin K1 only so we’d like to research values for vitamin K2 too. Including more data for these nutrients helps our users with health conditions more accurately track nutrients that can help them manage chronic or acute conditions, help professionals manage client diets, and gives athletes more data to dial in their intake to optimize physical performance. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Find research papers that analyzed iodine, biotin, chromium, fluoride, molybdenum or vitamin K content of foods in the peer-reviewed literature. Document research terms used. Keep a dated list of references. Report nutrient values found in foods. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Research skills : Searching Pubmed, Google Scholar, etc. Skim papers for content and save relevant articles. Organization: Document the search terms you have used, references and the nutrient data you find so others can jump in a pick up where you left off. Communication and Collaboration: Celebrate your weekly progress with the team. Identify hurdles, ask questions and brainstorm solutions. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Generate a report of foods and the quantities of each nutrient per 100 grams.

Matches 2
Category Sciences - general + 3