Moonbeam Trading Company
Moonbeam Trading Company
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

.Moonbeam Trading Company provides consulting services in the technology sector which include cyber security, data sciences, and a variety of applications relates services. The import portion of our company actively sources products globally and makes them available through our ecommerce store. Our Agri-foods business is focused on year round production of micro-greens and other cultivars. The housing and manufacturing operations focus on providing localized employment ranging from product production and distribution to design planning and skilled trades.

Company website
Agriculture Construction, engineering & trades It & computing Manufacturing Trade & international business

Recent projects

Website Development

Founded in 2018 Moonbeam Trading Company is a Canadian company with business interests in technology services, ecommerce, import/export, agri-foods, affordable housing and the production of biodegradable waste management products. Because of our organic growth into new business areas the company's original website no longer meets the requirements of our growing company. Moonbeam, our customers and partners are increasingly placing a greater emphasis on artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies for business operations during these unprecedented times. Therefore Moonbeam's digital presence must reflect our usage of the latest engagement platforms as we deliver our services and products. Moonbeam Trading Company requires the redesign and development of a new responsive website that will be customer friendly with intuitive navigation and seamless integration with mobile apps and social media platforms. The newly developed website will immediately replace the company's current website once it is completed and approved by the company founder. This project is one phase of a broader digital marketing initiative to create greater brand awareness for Moonbeam's products and services. The development of a new website is a priority project in Q1 2022 so the student team will have daily access to a point of contact at Moonbeam Trading Company to answer questions and provide direction towards the successful completion of the project. As a privately held for profit company part of our core mission is to provide and mentor access to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in a broad spectrum of industries for youth and young adults in diverse communities. Our core values include equitably employing all individuals including those with disabilities, and those in life transition as a result of homelessness, addictions, mental health challenges, incarceration or other forms of abuse. Our staff, suppliers, customers and business partners represent success stories from all ethnicities, cultures, races, gender identities and faiths. Our belief is that creating long-term societal value and improving people's lives can coexist with business sustainability and profitability while creating community benefits and the creation of shared wealth. We want students to help us develop our new website to grow our business and engage our target markets, customers, suppliers and partners. We’d like to know how we can maximize our presence and impact with a new website and what will work best for us. The main areas we’d like students to help us answer are the following: Best new design and style for our new website Focus on user experience (UX) ease of navigation Develop website to integrate with mobile App Develop website for seamless integration with Social Media Landing page Website visibility (SEO) Other recommendations

Admin Mark McDonald
Matches 1
Category Website development + 2

Social Media Presence

Moonbeam Trading Company has completed phase1 (website redesign and development) and now requires work on phase2 which is social media marketing presence and/or mobile app development. The social media component of the project will be in alignment with the newly developed website which is scheduled to go live on April 1st 2022 and will consist of creating a company presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. The mobile app will be integrated to the newly developed website and Moonbeam's eCommerce store and future online auction site. This project is the second phase of a broader digital marketing initiative to create greater brand awareness for Moonbeam's products and services. Best new design and style for mobile app (emphasis on eCommerce) Social medial marketing best practices Other recommendations

Admin Mark McDonald
Matches 0
Category Website development + 3

Digital Marketing Strategy

Moonbeam Trading Company is a small and growing diversified Canadian company with business interests in technology services, ecommerce, import/export, agri-foods, affordable housing and coming soon in 2022 we will be involved the production of biodegradable waste management products. Our belief is that creating long-term societal value and improving people's lives can coexist equitably with business sustainability and the generation of a more democratic economy through the creation of shared wealth. Part of our core values include the desire to equitably employ individuals in life transition as a result of homelessness, addictions, mental health challenges, incarceration or forms of abuse. Our staff, suppliers, customers and business partners represent success stories from all ethnicities, cultures, races, gender identities and faiths. Moonbeam has grown organically and must now develop a comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy. Because of the diversity of our business interests creating the digital marketing strategy will be a unique but rewarding challenge. We view our diverse lines of business as a strength which will continue to create new opportunities well beyond the current challenging global economic climate. The newly developed digital marketing strategy must generate brand recognition, establish a trusted presence for customers, clients and suppliers (B2B and B2C) along with maximizing the usage of regional, national and international strategic digital channels. Moonbeam offers services, imported goods and products therefore a certain level of cohesion will be essential to the overall digital marketing strategy. The onset of the global pandemic has significantly impacted traditional markets, however we remain confident in our ability to maintain a presence in targeted markets and to opportunistically establish services, and/or products in emerging markets whose growth has been accelerated by the global pandemic. We want students to help us develop a digital marketing strategy to grow and engage our target market. We’d like to know how we can maximize different channels and what will work best for us. The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following: How should we promote our company? What social media channels should we utilize? How can we immediately integrate these channels? What budget is appropriate for advertising? What messaging should we use?

Admin Mark McDonald
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 1

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