Fiona Munro
Faculty Instructor

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Recent experiences

Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Digital Marketing Capstone


Feb 19, 2023 - Apr 20, 2023

Looking for an integrated digital marketing campaign, website development or social media support? MKTG3999 students will bring together digital marketing and business expertise to ideate, research and produce a full customized digital marketing solution for your business. This can include the professional presentation of marketing plans, product campaigns, social media content and more. Our students will work with your real-world business context focusing on strategy and promotion.

Matches 1
Category Media + 3
Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Digital Design - Research & Branding


Oct 15, 2021 - Dec 4, 2021

Are you a start-up or organization in need of complete brand guidelines? Have you been considering a brand re-fresh that research and planning would help support? Our senior Digital Design students are career ready creatives who will complete a full branding guidelines package for you including ready to use graphic files, sample copy-writing and more.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Digital Marketing Capstone


Mar 9, 2021 - Apr 16, 2021

In need of a website, social media or digital marketing solution for a new or existing business? Is your social media material out of date? Looking for concept and design execution on a digital campaign?We're open to almost any project for this Digital Marketing Capstone course. In this project, students will work in multi-disciplinary teams to function as a media agency. They will produce digital media deliverables, based on your needs and industry opportunities.

Matches 0
Category Media + 4
Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Digital Design Capstone - Research & Planning


Oct 1, 2020 - Dec 11, 2020

Using research & planning to design a digital marketing solution.Have a social media and/or digital marketing idea that research and planning support could bring to life? Exploring social media account or website options and not sure what your creative should look like?Digital Design Research and Planning will help get you answers. You will gain access to job ready digital design students who will use skills in market research to develop a social media x digital marketing solution for your organization and creative skills in digital design to help bring it to life.

Matches 1
Category Media + 3